19 Mei 2015

Causative Verbs

Tugas 4 “Causative Verbs”

 I.         Pengertian Causative Verbs
Causative Verbs merupakan kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan pelaku (subject) tidak melakukan tindakan melainkan ornag lain atau benda lain yang melakukannya. Causative verbs juga bisa diartikan sebagai kata kerja yang membuat orang atau benda lain melakukan atau menyebabkan sesuatu berubah. Contoh nya seperti di bawah ini :
His mother made him take his medicine.
My English teacher had us give oral reports.
Dari ke dua contoh di atas, pelaku utama kalimat tersebut (his mother dan my english teacher) tidak melakukan tindakan langsung (take medicine dan give oral report) melainkan meminta orang atau benda lain untuk melakukan tindakan tersebut (him dan us).
 II.      Penggunaan Causative Verbs
Causative Verbs digunakan ketika kita menginginkan seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu untuk kita atau kita menginginkan sesuatu tersebut terselesaikan untuk kita. Causative dapat dibagi menjadi 5 yaitu : Causative Make, Causative Get, Causative Have, Causative Let, dan Causative Help.
III.      Contoh Causative Verbs
A.    Causative Make
Causative make digunakan untuk membuat orang atau benda untuk melakukan sesuatu.

Subject + Make + Someone or Something + Verb 1
Subject + Make + O + V3.

1.      She made the baby take a nap.
2.      Professor Rogers didn't make us type up our lap reports.
3.      I made the machine work.
4.      I can't seem to make this dishwasher run.
5.      The manager makes her staff work hard.
6.      Did somebody make you wear that ugly hat?
7.      She had John clean this room.
8.      They make us help them every morning.
9.      My mother has my uncle kill the dog.
  1. She made her children do their homework.
  2. My teacher made me apologize for what I had said.
B.     Causative Get

Causative get digunakan ketika kita ingin membuat sesorang atau sesuatu melakukan tindakan atau aksi, sama seperti causative make.
Rumus :

Subject + Get + Someone + to Infinitive
Subject + Get + Something + Verb 3

1.      Let's get Ralph to go with us.
2.      Do you know that we can get Karen to take us to San Diego?
3.      I want to get the house painted before winter.
4.      Let's get our car fixed first.
5.      tasya got her son to take the medicine even though it tasted terrible.
6.      How can parents get their children to read more?
7.      The government TV commercials are trying to get people to stop smoking.
8.      She got John to clean this room.
9.      We got the boy to repair the car yesterday.
10.  She got this room cleaned.
11.  She got her brother to buy her a basket ball.

C.    Causative Have

      Causative have digunakan untuk membuat orang atau benda melakukan suatu tindakan namun lebih tidak memaksa seperti halnya causative make dan get.


Subject + Have + Someone + Verb 1
Subject + Have +  Object + Verb 3


1.      They had their lawyer change their will.
2.      I like the way you had the beautician do you hair.
3.      Tom had a tooth filled.
4.      Have you had your temperature taken yet?
5.      My teacher make me do my home work
6.      She has me come to her house right now.
7.      She has her car fixed
8.      I have the speaker loaded.
9.      I had my sister take that ball
10.  I had my car cleaned yesterday
11.  Dr. Diani had his nurse take the patient's temperature.

D.    Causative Let
Causative Let digunakan sebagai causative verbs dengan memberikan izin untuk orang atau benda lain untuk melakukan suatu tindakan atau aksi.

Subject + Let + Someone or Something + Verb 1

1.      His mother let him go to school.
2.      Professor Baker let us write a paper instead of taking a final exam.
3.      Would you let us borrow your notes?
4.      Don't let it bother you.
5.      John let me drive his new car.
6.      Will your parents let you go to the party?
7.      I don't know if my boss will let me take the day off.
8.      My father lets me choose my own car.
9.      Never let her go, or you will regret forever.
10.  He let me enter his room to take the book.

E.     Causative Help
 Causative help digunakan sebagai causative verb. Tidak seperti causative yang lain (pelakunya tidak melakukan tindakan/aksi), causative help lebih condong memberi bantuan kepada orang lain untuk melakukan sesuatu.

Subject + Help + Someone + Verb 1 / To Infinitive


1.      My husband always helps her do the laundry.
2.      My husband always helps her to do the laundry.
3.      My teacher helped me get this job.
4.      He helps her mother bring her suitcase.
5.      My teacher helped me get this job.
6.      Zahra helped Mutia wash his dishes. 
7.      Zahra helped Mutia to wash his dishes.
8.      They make us help them every Monday.
9.      Budi helped me do homework yesterday.
10.  My father helped a thief to realize his mistake that be caught by the police.

Reference :

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